About Phoenix Project
Phoenix Project was born from a desire to just play airsoft, plain and simple. We wanted to be able to get out on the field and spend less time with politics.
Team members we were looking for a solid base, with good people.... trustworthy people.... people who had what it takes to be the very best in their fields. Professional, hard working men and women who know how to work as a team. Who don't shy away from hard work and whose determination and resolve scares even the hardiest soldiers.... but those people were too expensive so instead we decided to just wing it! Hah!
We don't take ourselves too seriously obviously and that is what drives us, a desire to have fun but also aiming for a cohesive unit on the field with regular training days as well as social events.
Working alongside some of the most well run clubs in NZ, we are proud to bring Project Phoenix to you.
Come to the dark side, we have cookies!!
Our Aims;
Team above self, the strength of the pack is the wolf, the strength of the wolf is the pack.
Regular training, nothing too fancy but learning the tricks of the trade to be a better player on the field
Team members guide the team, there are no "top dogs" here only those that want to be better a better player.
Sportsmanship, we act with integrity on the field and are gracious in defeat, nobody likes a sore looser!
Fun! We want to enjoy airsoft with people that are not only team mates but friends as well!